Thanks to Karen for keeping me motivated and to Sid for walking on top of my keyboard repeatedly as I tried to work.
_Darren Mar-Elia_
Thanks to my family for being there in the hard times and the good times.
_Derek Melber_
To my wife and children, keeping the dream alive.
_William R. Stanek_
Welcome to the Microsoft® Windows® Group Policy Guide. The Microsoft Windows Group Policy Guide covers the topic of Group Policy—quite possibly the most misunderstood product that Microsoft has ever introduced. Many system administrators, network engineers, and IT managers think of Group Policy as a complex behemoth within Active Directory® that they will never truly understand, and yet Group Policy is widely implemented because its benefits are well-known in areas of security, software distribution, and desktop lockdown. When you’ve widely implemented a product that you don’t understand, you have a real problem and a frustrating experience for everyone involved, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Group Policy is less complex, more configurable, and more manageable than you might have imagined—and step by step, chapter by chapter, you’ll learn why as you read this book.
About This Book
Microsoft Windows Group Policy Guide covers Group Policy administration for Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003, Windows XP Professional, and Windows 2000.
The book is designed for Windows system administrators, network engineers, and anyone else who wants to learn the ins and outs of Group Policy. If you currently support Active Directory or you want to learn more about Group Policy, this book is for you.
This book zeroes in on the essential information that you need to effectively deploy, manage, and troubleshoot Group Policy. To pack in as much information as possible, we’re assuming that you have basic system administration skills and are familiar with Windows Server 2003 network environments. With this in mind, we don’t devote entire chapters to understanding Active Directory, DNS, or Windows Server 2003.
Other books cover those topics in depth and better than we ever could; they include Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Inside Out (Microsoft Press, 2004), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Administrator’s Companion (Microsoft Press, 2004), and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant (Microsoft Press, 2003). What is this book, then? It is a guide to Group Policy, which explains everything you need to know to successfully deploy, manage, and troubleshoot Group Policy.
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