It’s probably safe to say that the majority of Visual Basic developers will use VB to access databases sooner or later. So why aren’t there more books on databases and Visual Basic? Because database access is the equivalent of plumbing. Like plumbing, there are dozens of segments you must put together before the whole thing works, and when it doesn’t work, the part that’s causing the problem isn’t immediately obvious. Put bluntly, it’s a decidedly unsexy topic.
This book puts the plumbing in order. It won’t help you hike up your pants when you reach under the sink, but it will give you exposure to nearly all aspects of database access you’re likely to encounter in Visual Basic today. Through it all, the objective is to give you the information you need in a concise manner, using examples and step-by-step procedures rather than brief, acronym-laden blurbs.
One common misconception about VB is that it’s only good for building database front-ends. But as this book shows, Visual Basic 5.0 is not your father’s VB. If you’re one of the thousands of developers migrating to VB 5.0 from version 3.0, you’ll notice an even bigger difference. In fact, the majority of material covered in this book — ActiveX components, Remote Data Objects, ActiveX Data Objects, and SQL Server 6.5 — weren’t available in version 3.0. It’s clear that Visual Basic has come of age as a software development system, and the success of VB 5.0 bears that out. If you use this book and find it helpful, I’d be interested to hear from you. If you find an element of this book less than helpful, I’d like to know that, too. And if you’ve used the book to create something cool and just want to crow about it, feel free to drop me a line as well. My email address is, and the Web page for this book is at
This Web site will also contain updates to and corrections for this book. This book was written in the Summer, Fall and Winter of 1997-98 in San Francisco, California, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Brooklyn, New York, Stamford and Mystic, Connecticut, Chaska, Minnesota, Princeton, New Jersey, Jacksonville, Florida, Berlin, Germany, Halifax, Canada, and Boulder, Colorado.
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