In early 1996, I started using the Java programming language for the majority of my software development work. I did some CGI programming and even worked a little with the early servlet versions, but for the most part I did desktop and client-side applications. Over the last couple of
years, however, there has been a growing emphasis on server-side applications, so I became more serious about servlets and JavaServer Pages. In the past year, there has been a virtual stampede toward the technology among developers, server vendors, and the authors of the Java platform specifications. So much so, in fact, that the technology is rapidly becoming the standard tool for building dynamic Web sites and connecting Web front ends to databases and applications
on a server.
Unfortunately, however, it was extremely difficult to find good practical advice on servlet and JSP development. I found a number of servlet books, but only a handful of them covered recent versions of the specification, advanced techniques, or reflected real-world experience. The few that did, if they covered JSP at all, hadn’t caught up to JSP 1.0, let alone JSP 1.1. Since JSP is a better fit than servlets for many situations, what good was a servlet book that didn’t also cover JSP? In the last couple of months, some JSP books have started coming out. But the bulk of them don’t cover servlets. What good is that? Since an integral part of JavaServer Pages is the use of scripting elements to create servlet code, you can’t do effective JSP development without a thorough understanding of servlets. Besides, most real-world sites don’t use just one of the two technologies; they combine them both. Finally, as I discovered when I started teaching servlet and JSP development to my students in the Johns Hopkins part-time graduate program (most of whom were professional software developers), few programmers were already comfortable with HTTP 1.1, HTML forms, and JDBC, three critical supporting technologies. Telling them to get a
separate book for each of these areas was hardly reasonable: that brought to five the number of books programmers needed if they were going to do serious servlet/JSP development.
So, in mid-1999, I put together a short servlet and JSP tutorial with a few dozen examples, put it on the Web, and tried out the material in a couple of my courses. The response was overwhelming. After only a few months, I was getting several thousand visitors a day to the tutorial along with a myriad of requests to expand the coverage of the material. I eventually bowed to the inevitable and started writing. This book is the result. I hope you findit useful.
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