E-Books: JavaFX™ Script By James L. Weaver
Dynamic Java™ Scripting for Rich Internet/Client-Side Applications
This book is written in a tutorial style, and is meant to be read in order from beginning to end. I highly suggest running all of the examples and doing all of the exercises, as that will speed your learning of the material. There is a code download from Apress for this book that contains sample solutions for all of the exercises (except for the final one).Dynamic Java™ Scripting for Rich Internet/Client-Side Applications
It is my goal in this book not only to teach you JavaFX Script syntax, but to use the main example in this book (the Word Search Puzzle Builder) as an example from which you can draw architectural ideas for designing JavaFX programs. Another goal of mine is to help you really enjoy learning JavaFX Script. So let’s get started!
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